

As the Hip-Hop/Rap Artist Drake (Young Money) would state it, "Oh, You Fancy Huh?"

Atlanta, GA...home of the most thriving modeling industry for all means of entertainment and arts.

How does one stand out in such a large pool of talent, beauty and brains?

Solution...The Ultra Model...


Based in Atlanta, GA, the Ultra Model focuses on beauty and the minds behind each sparkling personality behind it. Tavaghn Monts, is the host the "Ultra Model," which it should be mentioned that he also holds a rather striking look as well as a modeling background that is respectable as well as commendable. Having worked with the infamous Selebs, LLC posing for the Hip-Hop News Source WorldStarHipHop.com and the fabulous company behind his venture Fierce Look, LLC. By the way, Mr. Monts is the same motivational speaker affiliated with My Life Keys, LLC along-side the companies president Ms. Stephanie Alva (so to say the least, your resume must hold impactful weight!).

Take a look for yourself and if you would like to ante up your modeling resume and strike a pose with something different, then I suggest you link up with the Ultra Model team and become "more than just a number..."

Meet one of the beautiful minds:
Ms. Chantelle Pinkston

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