

Who is J.Boyd?

Almost 22 years ago, in a city known for its huge impact on music, a young man by the name of Jon Boyd was born. Yes, Detroit (MI) birthed yet another truly talented musician. Although he moved to Waynesboro, NC as a teenager, Jon Boyd definitely carried his passion and drive for music with him.

Music was all around him; his family lived, ate and breathed it. Jon Boyd, who also goes by J.Boyd, got his first taste at the age of 5 years old. He played the drums, and well, but when asked what really inspired his musical love, he replied, “Picking up the violin, it inspired me to be different…”

His musical inspirations include that of Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Billie Holiday, Chaka Khan, Sam Cooke, Al Green, The Beatles, and SO MANY HUGE and way before his time influences. This is what real artist and musicians recognize, true talent that is and they set their goals and aspirations towards those of great achievements and influences of the world’s past, present and future.

One of J.Boyd’s greatest memories was when he took a trip to the historic “Motown District” in Detroit, MI. He recalls seeing the vintage microphones and studios saying, “That (music) is what I want to do!”

J.Boyd loves the memories of he and his family practicing harmonizing in their basement and tributes his drive and passion to his mother. “My mom is my hero, she taught me everything I know…,” says Boyd.

Boyd says his biggest yet most determined challenge is sticking to who I am in this industry. He makes a huge statement by saying and ensuring you that you don’t have to be who everyone else says you should be and you can be who you are inside.

Stay tuned for new and exciting news and of course MUSIC from J.Boyd!

For Bookings please call: (404)487.8651 or (864)201.9274 *BUSINESS ONLY*

Catch Him Weekly via Red Clay Cafe (Greenville, SC) Sunday's for "Mr Nic Presents: Soul-Filled" Sundays. Call 864-293-5987 (for Poetry event only)

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© 2010 The HotSawce
© 2010 J.Boyd (Jon Boyd)

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